Do You Have a CTA?

So…what exactly is a Call-to-Action (CTA)?  It’s a way to get noticed!  It’s a prompt that encourages your audience to take a specific action. Like subscribing to a newsletter or making a purchase.

Without a clear and compelling CTA, visitors may leave your site without taking any action, resulting in missed business opportunities. Put simply, your business needs CTAs.

How to Create a CTA:

1. Keep it simple. In my experience, the most effective CTAs are often the most simple. For instance, a CTA that says “download now” tells the user that they can download related materials just by clicking on your button.

When writing your CTAs, use understandable and direct language that clearly communicates what action you want your audience to take.

2. Use action verbs. The most effective CTAs start with a strong action verb to encourage readers to take immediate action. Action verbs inject energy and momentum into your CTAs, making them more vibrant and engaging.

For example, active CTAs like “Buy now” and “Get started” are more motivating than passive CTAs like “Continue” and “Next.”

3. Create a sense of urgency. Add a time element to your CTA to create a sense of urgency. I find this encourages your audience to act promptly instead of procrastinating.

It can also foster a fear of missing out (FOMO), driving people to take action to avoid losing out on valuable opportunities or limited-time offers.

Creating a sense of urgency can be done by using phrases like “limited time offer,” “today only,” or “while supplies last.”

Keep in mind that the urgency you convey should always be genuine. Overusing urgency tactics or creating false scarcity can erode trust and credibility with your audience.

4. Be creative. CTAs don’t have to be so rigid and formulaic. When writing your CTA, I suggest you incorporate your personality and humor to stand out and make an impact — just make sure that it aligns with your brand voice and drives action.

For instance, instead of writing something generic like “Sign up,” you could go with something more exciting like “Take the leap.”

While both examples encourage your audience to take action, the latter taps into the idea of taking chances and embracing new opportunities, making it more compelling.

Remember, the ultimate goal is to make your CTA compelling and irresistible enough for your audience to take action.

Need help with your CTA’s? Check out our RESOURCES and BLOG pages for articles and papers on various marketing techniques and processes.  Learn how we can help you with your marketing efforts.